Pengertian Pronoun, Jenis dan Contoh Kalimatnya
April 02, 2017
A. Pengertian Pronoun
Pronoun merupakan satu diantara 8 Part of Speech yang berfungsi sebagai kata ganti orang atau benda.
B. Jenis- Jenis Pronoun dan Contoh Dalam Kalimat
1. Subjective pronoun
Subjective pronoun adalah kata ganti orang atau benda sebagai pelaku utama dari suatu perbuatan atau pekerjaan,yaitu:
Subjective Pronoun | Arti |
I | Saya |
You | Kamu |
They | Mereka |
We | Kami |
He | Dia(laki- laki) |
She | Dia (perempuan) |
It | Dia (hewan atau benda ) |
Contoh dalam kalimat.
- I go to school
- You are a dentist
- They are a student
- We are a policeman
- He is a painter
- She is a nurse
- It is a cup
2. Objective pronoun
Subjective Pronoun Objective pronoun
Subjective Pronoun | Objective pronoun |
I | Me |
You | You |
They | Them |
We | Us |
He | His |
She | Her |
It | It |
Contoh dalam kalimat
- She gives me a beautiful rose
- I sent you a message
- The headmaster punishes them
- Aldo ask us to buy a new car
- Anita gives him a nice gift
- Pedro kisses her in the class
- Ardi washes it in the river
3. Reflexive pronoun
Subjective Pronoun Objective pronoun
Subjective Pronoun | Objective pronoun |
I | My self |
You | Your self |
They | Themselves |
We | Ourselves |
He | Himself |
She | Herself |
It | Itself |
Contoh dalam kalimat
- I know, it will hurt my self
- You can do it by yourself
- They behave themselves as a hero
- We need to safe ourselves
- This surprise is made by himself
- Anita does it in her house by herself
4. Possesive pronoun
Didalam possessive pronoun dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu:
Possessive Adjective dan Possesive Pronoun
Subjective Pronoun | Objective pronoun | Possesive pronoun | |
Possessive Adjective | Possesive Pronoun | ||
I | Me | My | Mine |
You | You | Your | Yours |
They | Them | Their | Theirs |
We | Us | Our | Ours |
He | His | His | His |
She | Her | Her | Hers |
It | It | it | - |
Contoh dalam kalimat
A. Possesive Adjective
- My book is expensive
- Your bag is cheap
- Our car is broken
- Their house is very big
- His car is very expensive
- Her bike is lost
- It tail is very long
B. Possesive Pronoun
- The car is mine
- The red book is yours
- The yellow kites are theirs
- Those bananas are his
- The book on the table is hers
5. Demonstrative Pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun di bagi menjadi 2 yaitu :
1. Bentuk tunggal/singular
- This = ini (jaraknya dekat)
- That = itu (jaraknya jauh)
Contoh dalam kalimat
- This is my pen
- That is your bag
2. Demonstrative Adjectives bentuk jamak/plural
- These = ini
- Those = itu
Contoh dalam kalimat
- These problems will ruin us.
- Those books are very expensive.
6. Interrogative pronoun
Dalah kata ganti untuk menanyakan suatu hal.
Berikut kata- kata yang termasuk dalam interrogative pronoun yaitu:
- What : Apa
- Who : Siapa
- Why : mengapa
- Where : dimana
- When : kapan
- How : bagaimana
Contoh dalam kalimat
- What are you doing ?
- Who is your partner in his party ?
- Why do you come late ?
- Where do you live ?
- When do you come here ?
- How to draw a flower?
7. Relative pronoun
- Who : Yang (orang)
- Whom : Yang ( orang sebagai objek)
- Which : Yang (pilihan benda)
- That : Yang (hal )
Contoh dalam kalimat
- I know the man who takes your bag in the class
- The handsome boy whom you met last night was Jody
- The gift box which is put on the table is taken by someone.
- I didn’t know that the game was over.
Demikian penjelasan kami tentang Pengertian Pronoun, Jenis dan Contoh Kalimatnya dalam bahasa inggris yang mampu kami hadirkan dalam kesempatan kali ini. Semoga setelah membaca artikel ini sahabat tidak kebingungan lagi ketika ingin memahami tentang pronouns. Apabila terdapat kesalahan kami sangat senang bila anda mau memberikan Kritik dan Saran. Semoga bermanfaat dan Terima kasih.
Baca juga :
- Pengertian Gerund, Beserta Fungsi, Jenis dan Contoh Penggunaannya
- 16 Tenses Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimatnya
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